Thursday 28 March 2024



The True, the Good and the Beautiful in Megalithic Culture


 © Xavier de la Huerga 2024

Fully comprehending that sacred geometry and the orbital patterns in our solar system; mathematics and the vibrational architecture of music; the size and the shape of the earth, the metrology derived from it and the proportions in the human body are ALL not just interconnected, but in fact, seamlessly integrated as a harmonious whole, triggers in most human beings a massive epiphany, feelings of reassurance and a tremendous sense of purpose and meaning arising from the realization that we are immersed in an intelligent, living, sentient Cosmos that is not alien or separated from the human soul

If, on top of this, you add the fact that this continuum of knowledge was discovered, fully understood and implemented thousands of years ago by our ancestors, the end result is nothing short of mind blowing and to a great extent, perplexing. We are faced with a great, multifaceted mystery from the distant past concerning the roots of human nature. Over time, if the depths of the megalithic astrogeomantic canon are pursued with perseverance, the life-changing properties of this knowledge become patent and gradually, a subtle but powerful perceptual shift occurs in those who study and practice it. This change itself is a clue that begins to answer some of the many questions posed by the immense achievements of our enigmatic ancestors.

Experiencing that harmonious cosmic whole, not by intellectualizing about it, but by re-establishing the broken connections in our awareness through the study and practice of astrogeomancy, invokes the presence of the sacred, the raw spiritual core of reality, the Great Cosmic Mystery as a pervasive, ever-present dimension in life. The ongoing spiritualization of the material and the materialization of the spiritual unveiled by this fusion of the scientific and the sacred, is invariably accompanied by the expression of beauty. 

This triad of Science, Spirituality and Art in all astrogeomantic designs is also in direct correlation to the three utmost qualities pursued by the Mystery Schools of antiquity; the True (Science), the Good (Spirituality), and the Beautiful (Art). Whatever you do, it must be true and serve to spread truth in the world, it also must be done for the good of others and for your own good and it must result in beautiful deeds and works.

So, we could say that astrogeomantic knowledge leads human beings to act in the world as molecules in a crystalline lattice aligning themselves along lines of force in space. However, this analogy doesn't refer to the spatial arrangement of human beings! But to psycho-geometric patterns of behavior that conform to the invisible lines of Cosmic Will-Force that coalesce in the morphic field of the Earth. 

Astrogeomancy compels one to harmonize space; first inner space, then the space around oneself; artificial, human-made space as well as natural space. The whole biosphere is considered to be the ultimate objective, the biospheric envelope is our living home and must be mended, healed, and fully restored to homeostatic* harmony. Unsurprisingly, the key to spatial harmonization is the temporal dimension, which takes us to “outer space”; for it is the exoplanetary cosmic environment - the heavenly realm - that determine our structuring and measurement of time. 

*Homeostasis - A state of equilibrium, as in an organism or cell, maintained by self-regulating processes.

The root of the word “temple” (templum) is to be found in the word “time” (tempus). The concept of a temple originates in the idea of a space where time can be measured and experienced directly as an earthly, temporary expression of eternity, which "dwells in the heavens". This is what originally made a temple’s space a sacred space. Many ancient temples are indeed microcosmic portrayals of heaven. Thus, the first temples were always astronomically oriented, so that at significant times the Sun, the Moon, the planets, and the rest of the stellar cohort would be observed with the necessary accuracy to understand and measure their rhythms, grounding them in the architecture and weaving them through the calendar into human lives. This was done by the placement of elements within the temple in such a way that the movements of heavenly bodies were measured against a fixed point anchored in the earth; an earthly backdrop such as a mountain top, other salient feature in the horizon or a standing stone acting; such markers would determine the orientation of the temple and thus, the consummation of the hieros gamos, the sacred marriage of Heaven and Earth was achieved.

These very first temples of humankind that we are talking about have come to be known nowadays mostly as “megalithic monuments”, "stone circles", "alignments" and other classifications. Their planet-wide distribution, sheer numbers, size and time scale of construction make one think that the megalithic builders were aiming to turn the whole of the Earth into a temple! Is that what we are seeing here? Not a process of “civilization”, but “templization”?


Carlo Levi said once that “the future has an ancient heart”. Does the future of humankind and its biospheric home pass through the renewal and expansion of that ancient network of temples? Perhaps, but what we are dealing with here seems to be more complex than a process of "templization", since these structures also fulfilled a scientific role and were simultaneously imbued with primeval aesthetic qualities. So, is the destiny of the Earth to become a Living Cosmic Temple, a Transcendent Scientific Instrument and an Eternally Evolving Work of Art?


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